
Uniforms are part of many organizations and occupations. My boys are Cub Scouts and I am one of the fearless leaders. These uniforms look adorable on 7 and 8 year old boys. Me? Not so much. I did manage to schnazz it up with the Oscar de la Renta scout kerchief. I tried, really I did. Even tried wearing trousers and heels with it!

Wearing uniforms for work (think sexy UPS guy- he's still out there right? In the cute little brown shorts?), a sports club (go Spurs go!) or an organization such as Scouting, provide a sense of unity and belonging. It emphasizes standardization since many different types of people join these organizations. It's necessary to unite for a common purpose or goal.

Well enough of the serious stuff! Y'all are dying to see me in the oh-not-so-cute Scout Leader uniform, right? Fine. You twisted my arm. Try not to laugh with liq
uids in your mouth. Soda burns when it comes up your nose!

See? The boys are stinkin' cute!

I look like a dork.

But I love it and wear it proudly! :)


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